CROBORA is a project led by Sic.Lab, at EUR CREATES, University of Côte d’Azur, funded by ANR (ANR-20-CE38-0002) from 2021 to 2024.
CROBORA studies the circulation of stock shots in the media space.
Digitization facilitates the flow of content across countries, cultural and technical contexts.
These mediations act as borders in the migratory movement of content :
they allow circulation but impose reshapings.
CROBORA trace and analyze the re-use of audiovisual archives on television and on the web,
focusing on content that speaks about European integration.
The objective is to understand how circulation contributes to forging visual memories.
This platform gives access to 36 000 stock shots reused in the evening news of
six national channels in France and Italy (France 2, Arte, TF1, Rai Uno, Rai Due
and Canale 5) and the YouTube accounts of the European institutions between 2001
and 2021.
You will access four types of data :
Screenshots (one for each stock shot)
Metadata (for each stock shot)
Videos (news) - restricted access
Original metadata for each video - restricted access
Three visualization tools are at your disposal :
Muvin (diachronic visualization of stock shots occurrences)
ArViz (co-occurrences of metadata)
our platform
Sic.Lab Méditerranée
Université Côte d’Azur
Campus Carlone
86, boulevard Edouard Herriot
06200 Nice, France
Bureau E213, E214